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Sometimes you just lose it...


The Shipping News - A Novel


     Like most of Proulx’s fiction, The Shipping news is narrated in the third person, with the narrator zooming in and out of the main characters’ subjectivity. On a first reading, the narrative appears elliptical and enigmatic, but a second reading reveals a carefully constructed plot whose chapters and sub-sections can be viewed as the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle: they are all there, but it is up to the reader to arrange them in the order that produces a fuller picture.

"In a knot of eight crossings, which is about the average-size knot, there are 256 different 'over-and-under' arrangements possible. Make only one change in this 'over and under' sequence and either an entirely different knot is made or not at all may result."

                                          -The Ashley Book Of Knots-

- Winner Of The 1994 Putlitzer Prize For Fiction
- Winner Of The 1993 National Book Award For Fiction
- Winner Of The Irish Times International Fiction Prize

About Annie Proulx:

Annie Proulx lives in Vermont and Newfoundland. Her short story collection, Heart Songs and Other Stories, appreared in 1988, followed in 1992 by the novel Postcards, which won the Chicago Tribune's Heartland Award, the Irish Times International Fiction Prize, the National Book AWard, and the Pulitzer Prize.

Enjoy Reading!

ps: thanks to Temah for lead me to this book! :D

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