Macam Mana Nak Cari Jodoh di Malaysia?

900k ahli di sana sedang mengunggu anda di Baitul Jannah. Mungkin.. jodoh awak ada sana.

Daftar Sekarang!

One Step Away.

  • 0
  • nenzy
  • 11 years ago
  • 5,626
  • FREE


While walking on the street today, memories of us together filled my mind. Those happy moments we both cherished and never want to let go. Well, for me at least.

I remembered that time when I felt extremely empty. Everything I did seem meaningless and worthless. And it felt like the world has turned against me and left me to wander around. I was defeated. I was defeated by the cruel world, selfish society and myself. I was like a rose, wilted bit by bit. My body was moving but my heart and my mind were dying. It was a dark period of my life. Too dark that I don’t want to ever come back. I was lost. Until you came along.

You found me. Finally, someone found me and showed me the way out from darkness. You looked at me with your caring eyes telling me it’s alright to take another step. And you held my hand. Firmly. As if you never wanted to let go. It was the first time I felt warmth from another hand that isn’t mine. I couldn’t help but held it tighter. I was willing to break the wall I had build around me, I was willing to go with you. Which I did and you completely broke that wall. I felt naked but you covered me with your words, sweet words and love.

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  • 1) sometimes we just need some fixing. with the help of someone.

  • (Author)
    2) Yeah.because all of us at a certain point, we are indeed broken and like u said sometimes it's ok to lean on someone else.

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