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10 things about the person next to me (di alam maya)

  • sha
  • 15 years ago
  • 1,148


I was tagged by NJay to write 10 things about my partner. Since I have a lot of boyfriends, which I shouldn't descriminate any one of them by introducing only one of them, I rather talk about my girlfriend. Haha!!

Name:        Siti Aisyah
wicked name: uculer

1)is wicked! (yeah, u heard me..wicked!!har har har (I find it so stupid to laugh like that!))
2)kaki ponteng, kaki break rules, kaki bangku, kaki kayu, kaki besi, kaki shopping (hanya 3 drpd perkara yg disebutkan adalah tepat, sila anda teka yg mana!)
3)serious when it comes to work (i am so scared of her, really!!! jgn main2 ngan uculer!!)
4)loves reading..(pasal tu dia jd info analyst kot!)
5)is gedik, only whenever she is with me dan "rakan2"nya (auwwwww!!), BUT she doesn't like perempuan/lelaki gedik lain yg cuba mengatasi kegedikan beliau..
6)is suka tengok pompuan (eh ye kerr?? ke tu aku je?)
7)likes padalecki ..i really cant bear with her when she goes on and on abt jared!!(sanggup letak tepon semata2 tanak miss supernatural..pastu boleh drooling tepi tv tu(hehe..that one made up shj) )
8)i remembered she used to like spongebob..i wonder whether she likes it still
9)nampak macam geng mafia, but she likes cute stuff!!(melihatkan ko shopping hairclip hr tu, aku membuat konklusi bhw ko lebih hopeless dr aku)
10)last but not really really really really  a good friend!

Please forgive me sekiranya fakta di atas tidak benar.

note to uculer: sorry, can't help it..hahaha!!

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