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Urban Diction!

  • adra
  • 15 years ago
  • 2,218


Hola! Saya dah lengkapkan tagged yang diminta oleh Cherry93. CIO...

How to do it?
1. Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the definition it gives you.
2. Use the same title from the person who tagged you eg: "urban diction!"
3. Once you are tagged, go his/her my.K and leave a message the shoutbox eg: "you are tagged! take a look here: "
4. Tag 5 people in Kapasitor.

1. Your name? Fatimah

fatimah isn't defined yet.
(nama melayu konpom tak jumpe hehe=)

2. Age?  21

The age at which one is finally considered human.(slma hidup 20 thn lalu bukan ke org hahaha) 

The magical age where it is legally ok to get incredibly drunk. At this time, a young adult spends most of his free time consuming vast amounts of alcohol in a variety of forms, saying that they're 'making up for lost years'. (buruknye perangai)

The magic number in the game of Blackjack. (ingat org main judi ke? weiiii!)

3. One of your friends? Mell




 1: to lick another's face

"I would really like to mell you." way...yekkk!

4. What should you be doing?  Eat




1)chewing food...than swallowing it is one definition
2)or basically lick someone's ******
..yuck (sangat tak semenggah so takyah tulis tuk tatapan umum)

5. Favorite colour? Purple

Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.

Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!

(huish...dahsyat tol cenggini)

6. Favorite number? 8

The ordinal number '8' is often used in place of the phonemes that would make the sound 'ate' in written English.
I say 'often', I actually mean 'often (by bumpers)'

The habit could have originally developed among linux {fucktard]s in chatrooms, or 14 year old scrubbers text messaging on mobile phones. Either that or from 'old-school' rave act Altern8 (still DJ-ing in and around Stoke-on-Trent, kids!)
Whichever way you look at it, it looks shit and dosn't make you look cool.

"C U L8R M8!!!!!"

"He was a sk8r boi..."

"I'd rather menstru8 a ten ton w8 than write in such an illiter8 way, dude."

7. Month of birthday? August

The idea of perfection. The 8th Month of the year in certain European and Asian cultures signifies greatness in achieving perfection, or something close to it. (bagus2 hahaha)

8. Last person you talked to? Hakim

A black person who puts his foot up people's asses daily.

Yo Hakim get away from me, my ass is already gaping. (kesiannya abg daku)

9. Your other nickname? Dayah

dayah isn't defined yet.

Saya tagged:





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