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900k ahli di sana sedang mengunggu anda di Baitul Jannah. Mungkin.. jodoh awak ada sana.

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Urban Diction!


Oh...ditagged jugak sy xnak buat sbnrnye coz ade org yg sme name ngan sy dh buat. But, i'm also interested in what else there is in urban diction. So, here it goes~

How to do it?
1. Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the definition it gives you.
2. Use the same title from the person who tagged you eg: "urban diction!"
3. Once you are tagged, go his/her my.K and leave a message the shoutbox eg: "you are tagged! take a look here: "
4. Tag 5 people in Kapasitor.


1. Your name?  Nadia

1.meaning beautiful and stunning. Very sweet and caring girl. Often popular and has a lot of friends. (friends? Yes, a lot)
2. A "princess," particularly one raised in a wealthy suburb of a major American city. (um..never been to US...)
3.A woman that has a beautiful/sophisticated presense. (ehe~)
4.Someone (male/female) who excels at school work. (YE...KE?)

2. Age? 21 ongoing 22 (so i put both)

1.The age at which one is finally considered human. (o_O)
2.The magical age where it is legally ok to get incredibly drunk. At this time, a young adult spends most of his free time consuming vast amounts of alcohol in a variety of forms, saying that they're "making up for lost years." (W-W-What!?)
3.The magic number in the game of Blackjack. (heard of this before...)

Croupier: '21 - we have a winner'
CardShark: 'Pay me out my one-and-a-half, biatch'

) A .22 caliber handgun
2) Any rim that measures 22 inches in size
3) Slang term used for women to let you know they are prostitutes.

1) Don't tote no 22's
2) Magnum cost me 22, sat it on them 22's
3) Lil mama super thick, she say she 22

1) A .22 Caliber hand gun. .22 is a measurement of inches, not millimeters you fucking retards.
2)22 inch rims

'22 inch rims on the Lac. I guess that was yo footprint in the sand carrying us on yo back' -David Banner

5.The age after 21 where you realize you still have another 3 years to get your shit together Haha I'm only 22

3. One of your friends? Izan

1.A Jewish person who hates all Germans, because of the nazis. They don't realize it but they are being racists themselves. They often can be found blaming innocent Germans on the death of a distant relative during the holocaust. Therefore, since they are racists against Germans, its like the opposite of a nazi, its an izan (nazi spelled backwards).

"Stop immigrating here, you stupid nazi bastards!"

2.A newly forming organization superior to all others

P/S: Sorry, zan...your name isn't that...great...oh well! You're still a great buddy to me!

4. What should you be doing? sleeping

1. To masturbate furiously in your room while praying that your grandma doesn't come in.  (What the hell!? FURIOUSLY!?)

GET OUT GRANDMA! I was sleeping.
Those were sleeping noises grandma.
2.a mystical kind of magic which sends u to an alternate plane of existence in which the magical gremlins give u pro plus

i was sleeping when i heard a large crash

3.A gateway drug to being awake.

What's the point in sleeping? I'll just be awake again tomorrow?

5. Favorite colour? black
1.Darkness, a dark colour, the colour of this text is black.

2.A race - The black race can range from African american to polynesian. 1. I own a black car.

2. A black person stole my car.

-A color widely defined as the absence of light.
2-The darkest shade possible
3-The opposite of white, imho, best described on the Yin&Yang symbol.

6. Favorite number? 3

1.a number coming after 2, but not overshadowing it. Also a number coming directly before 4 but refussing ro be bullied or made feel less than by it. Strong number, yet emotionally sensative. In other words a number that knows its place.
"most people have nothing in common with 3"
2.A female with an extrodinarily long genital region, reaching lengths up to 3 feet long. (WTF? Ade ke?)
"Ben fucked 3?" "Yeah, that dude fucked the shit outta 3!" (hm...omputeh ingat bende ni je...)

3.The number that shalt be counted. (Ye la kn? Ape2 mesti smpi no.3. 1, 2....3!!!)

7. Month of birthday? march

1.Month in which creative, layed-back, dreamy, cool people were born. (ohh..yeaaa...)

She was born in march so she is creative, layed-back, dreamy and cool.

2.The month in which all sexy, drop dead gorgeous women are born. (me? ohoho...why, thank you...)
Jessicas are usually born in March.
3.All people born in March are true inspirations, have imaginations that run wild and are go-getters. The month in which all of the true gangsters were born! (YOU CAN SAY THAT AGAIN~LET'S GO WILD~YEEHAWW)

8. Last person you talked to? ady

ady isn't defined yet. (Huh? Curse you!)

9. Your other nickname? other? dias

1.Drown in a shower (Erk...!!)

Related to DIAF (die in a fire) but for those people who prefer to wish watery deaths upon people.

person 1: I hate you, diaf
person 2: yeah? well you should dias.

2.Die in a sea. Similar to die in a fire. "I hate her, I wish she would dias."

Okay! Now...revenge time...or more like penganiayaan...

I tag:

soot (you've gone long enough, now do this!)
nurcahaya (don't think you can get away...)
leo (rawr... :)))
ceri (xyah buat. buat cukup syarat je)
im (dh buat ke?)

Ugh...buat smpi kol 1.25am...ciss...demimu ceri...demimu...

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