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Unsent Letter

  • 6
  • rean
  • 16 years ago
  • 5,035
  • FREE


Dude, hey.

    Thanks again for helping us today, even though you’re not that well. You’re always willing to lend a hand every time I need it. I know you’re that nice of a person, but sometimes it feels like I’m using you, even though I never meant that.

    Just now, when you arrived with her, I felt a bit jealous. I know it’s not my place, but somehow I couldn’t help it. I’m sorry. We’re just friends, right? Not more, not less. And yet, I still felt that way. She’s a nice kid, I like her. A lot. Really, really like her a lot.
But when she told me she’s that close to you, in the deepest part of my heart, I loathed her. It’s not her fault, nor was it yours. It was mine, and that made me think I’m the worst person on earth. I like her, and yet, I loathed her because she’s damn close to you.

    Why couldn’t I be enough with what friendship you gave me? I don’t want more, I don’t want to burden you with more. Not when I have these emotional baggages from my pasts. Not when I’m still dark and broody, and not when the scar in my heart is so easily bleed. I am so afraid of rejection, so afraid of losing what relationship I have with you to revel in this feeling. Not when you know about my crush. Who, sadly, turns out to be only a two-year rebound.

I don’t want to be close to you, in case I’ll fall deeper. But I don’t want not to be close to you, because I don’t want to lose you.

What should I do?

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  • 1) Oh...i totally understand what you're going through...i was like this before and then i thought 'why am i torturing myself?' and i told him what i felt about him...surprisingly, the 'feeling' went away...and i'm happy now~!

    once again...i really understand...the rebound to you!
  • 2) gosh! speechless if i was in ur shoes. never thought bout it...ya..who knows one day i'll be in the situation...but hopefully it wont happen.

    wish u all the best dear...

  • (Author)
    3) aaaa!!
    should i tell him?? mcm segan plak..isk
    i'll think about your suggestion blake, thanks!

    and alya..don't. hahaha! it's emotionally draining.. XD
  • 4) It's always good to tell him how you feel. At least if he doesn't feel the same way, it will keep the burden off your chest. Seriously. But then, you have to be ready to face rejection (in case he rejects you). Be bold, and be strong. Expect for the worst, but hope for the best ya? Good luck!
  • 5) huhu..had been there~

    2nd blake..tell him the truth..if rejected,then turn into silent mode.. abberant for a moment..try to live without him~ :D

    after a while, when you meet him'll be cured! *eh,pandai je syuhada~ (but this had happen to me..wiwiiiii)
  • 6) Urmmm...
    Syud, Please Control... **webmaster kapasitor***

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