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900k ahli di sana sedang mengunggu anda di Baitul Jannah. Mungkin.. jodoh awak ada sana.

Daftar Sekarang!

Memorable Birthday

  • 5
  • neddy
  • 13 years ago
  • 4,899
  • FREE


Nisa awoke to the her poking of alarm clock, the ring seemed miles away. It was 5.45 in the morning as she looked at her mobile phone. She jumped up from her bed and dashed into the bathroom, preparing herself for work.

She carried out her duty as a Muslim. She prayed and expressed her gratitude towards Allah for giving her a chance to live another day.

Then, she got dressed herself and she was smiling as she looked at herself in the mirror.

“I’m 24 today,” she whispered, as she was applying moisturises on her fair face, “I need to be a better and mature person today.”

Nisa was packing her stuffs when the phone rang. It was Azwan, wishing her a happy birthday.

“Happy Birthday, Nisa. May Allah bless you,” he said gleefully.

“Thanks, dear,” she answered and smiling brightly. They chatted for a while before Nisa went to her workplace. She grabbed her car key hurriedly and started the engine as she was late. It was 6.50 a.m. and she needed to be in school by 7.30 a.m. The journey took her almost 40 minutes.

She started her day by reciting ‘Bismillah’, ‘dua’ and ‘Ayatul Kursi’.


 Nisa appeared in the school staff room. The early February morning cool breeze blew softly over her slender body. The trees were dancing together with the wind. The ambience was heavenly. It made her calm, relax and anxious to start her day.

“Assalamualaikum. Good morning everybody!” she said vibrantly, as she entered the room and went straight to her table. Full of books and tasks to be reviewed.

“You look happy today. Any good things happened to you lately?” Cikgu Alina asked curiously. She was Nisa’s colleague.

“Nothing much, Kak Lin. My mood is good today,” she said, plastering a radiant smile on her face. She continued checking her students’ works.

The clock on the wall struck nine, which mean English class was about to start. Nisa quickly packed her stuff and headed to 3 Jujur. She taught the students serenely. At the end of her class, her students surprised her by singing a birthday song. She did not expect anything and she was clueless- even speechless. Nisa was touched by her students’ action. She ended her class with an elated feeling.


A fire alarm rang at 10 a.m. while almost all of the  students, teachers and staffs were in the office and classes. As usual the entire school was evacuated within five minutes and all students gathered at the school field for further announcement. The form teachers were busy checking students’ attendance. It was a bit chaotic as few students went missing. Plus, it was a damn hot day for a drill. Plants, too, were agonising from the intense heat.

“Where’s Diyana?” Nisa asked anxiously to her students when she counted them.

“We’re not sure, teacher,” Naslim and Hanis answered, shrugging almost simulteneously.

Nisa began to feel worried and nervous. Her fair face was as pale as snow. Even though it was only a training, it seemed real to her. She darted here and there to find her students. She was sweating a lot as she searched and asked other students and teachers the whereabouts of Diyana. Her colleagues were gigling when they looked at her clumsiness.

Cikgu-cikgu, please report the number of students in your class to us now,” Mr Bakar said. He was the fire officer responsible of conducting the fire drill.

“There are 20 students in 3 Jujur but one of them is missing,” Nisa announced in a trembling voice. Her hands were shaking badly when she reported to Mr Bakar and Cikgu Dila.

She was mumbling to herself. Blaming for herself for her own carelessness.

“Nisa, come here!” Cikgu Ani called from the stairs. Nisa hurriedly ran to her colleague.

“Why, kak?” she asked curiously.

“You don’t have to worry. Diyana is somewhere in this school. Kak Dila had hidden her earlier,” Cikgu Ani revealed to her. Nisa’ eyes were wide open.

“Fuhh! What a relieved. I thought she was lost or what not,” she said thankfully. She could not help feeling at ease of herself. Then laughter bursted from her mouth. She was tickled by the incident that had happened to her. So were the other teachers, laughing and gigling with her.

They  really gotcha me this time, she muttered merrily.


The briefing for the fire drill was started at 10.30 a.m. All the students were very excited when they watched the demonstration by the fire fighters.They were interested in participating in the fire drill. They seemed brave enough to operate fire extinguishers and not afraid of the hot blazng burning fire.

Nisa stood under a shady tree. She was not interested with the activity and watched them from a far. Suddenly, she heard her students calling out for her name.

“Teacher Nisa! Teacher Nisa!” they shouted for her name.  Nisa’s eyebrows furrowed as she was confused on why they were calling her. Soon she realised that they wanted her in extinguishing the fire. She quickly hid herself behind Cikgu Ina. She prayed hard and hoped that they would not notice her.

The students kept repeating her name. Nisa could not escape this time because Mr Razak  also called her to come to the field.

Cikgu Nisa, come here!” he called.

“Duh!” Nisa snorted. She regretted for not paying attention during the briefing. Mr anxiety knocked on her door. She took a deep breath and walked towards the field confidently. Only Allah knew how nervous she was. Her heart sped up when she lifted the fire extinguisher.

“Don’t be afraid, cikgu,” said Mr Razak as he saw her stressful face. As Nisa tried to extinguish the fire, the students were singing a birthday song to her.

“Allah selamatkan kamu. Allah selamatkan kamu. Allah selamatkan Teacher Nisa. Allah selamatkan kamu!” they sang, clapping their hands cheerfully.

Nisa was speechless by yet another surprise. Tears dwelled in her eyes, but she blinked them away. She raised her hand and waved at them.

“Thanks. May Allah bless all of you here!” she said yelled delightfully to the crowd.

Nisa left the field with mixed feelings. Happy and embarrassed. Her colleagues were smiling and some of them were giggling when she came near them. She blushed. Her face was asred as rose when they wished her a happy birthday.

“O Allah. Alhamdulillah. I thank You of Your blessings to me. Bless me with Your light and guidance. Thank you Allah,” Nisa whispered. A smile drew on her lip. She was blessed on her birthday. It was the best memorable birthday she ever had in her life.

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  • 1) hei hei! sudah keluar cerpennya!
    hehe nanti saya baca ya.

    cik neddy jemputlah sertai ini:
  • 2) Allah selamatkan kamu!

  • (Author)
    3) cahatomic: insha allah akan saya sertai

    kurusawa: shukran jazilan
  • 4) is this from own experience?

    these days i dont get anybody singing happy birthday to me, just sms or the auto email from whatever companies. so its nice you know when like in this story, you get to get people singing to you the whole day.

  • (Author)
    5)'s my own experience..

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