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Short Story

Erti Sehelai Daun

Anis berteleku di bawah sebatang pohon yang merimbun. Angin petang begitu mendamaikan menyapa lembut wajahnya merona merah. Air mata menjadi tamu di pipi masih belum kering. Malahan ia semakin deras m

  • Umum
  • 7/03/2011 | 09:37:09 AM

Memorable Birthday

Nisa awoke to the her poking of alarm clock, the ring seemed miles away. It was 5.45 in the morning as she looked at her mobile phone. She jumped up from her bed and dashed into the bathroom, preparin

  • General
  • 3/03/2011 | 00:22:06 AM

Jadilah seperti Bunga

“Wahai manusia, jadilah engkau seperti bunga-bunga yang mekar mewangi di taman. Moga-moga kau mampu menyebarkan dan menenangkan hati manusia di sekitar mu dengan wangian itu.   Jadilah se

  • Umum
  • 27/02/2011 | 17:44:17 PM

Melancholic Heart

It was a fine evening with the soft breeze kissing Nisa’s cheek. She walked very slowly as she was carried a heavy rock on her shoulders. Her eyes were empty. Her head was full of thoughts. It s

  • Love
  • 24/02/2011 | 22:06:04 PM