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Kapasitor EN : September 2010 Bulletin

  • mosh
  • 14 years ago
  • 1,093


Salam All,

This is the Kapasitor EN Bulletin for September 2010. 


From Blake_Zane :

"As I was checking through poetries for August, I think that Mr. August has the most fans throughout the course of Kapasitor EN Section's history. Thanks to Clarky for her TRANSLATE idea and Benny's 10 WORD POETRY CAMPAIGN, the poetry browse pages has taken up to 7 pages!  That'll be how many poetries? Do the math. So I congratulate everyone who managed to find time and ideas to contribute to the campaigns.

We also had the EN Open Chat Day just few weeks ago (is it?) and I want to thank all of you who were there participating. It means a lot to me since I'm the only one Kapasitorians far out in the land of the Hornbill. I missed out lots of exciting meetings and events Kapasitor had done so far. Even though there were some dramas went on at the start of the Open Chat Day, I was still glad since it's been a while since i talked with you guys.

For En Section moderators, I salute you like never before for bringing this section back alive with full throttle. I really hope more people will try writing in english, as well as learning how to use more complicated words, rhymes, idioms and proper language. For me, english language is not proper if we use slangs in it. I, too will remind myself not to use rojak english. Ah, I just did...but hey, you can't be all serious about writing in english! You can have fun with it by adding few rojak words here and there.

If you ask me how I learnt english, you'd never be able to follow. So, go with your own pace, slow and steady if must. Doesn't matter if it'd take days, weeks, months or years. It's the pleasure of learning that's important.

Still curious how I learnt english? I read English Dictionaries before I went to bed since I was 12. Then, I started reading Oxford Collections of Short Stories, after that I entered the world of Anne Rice."

From MissClarks :

Salam readers. August came with heavy flood of 10WP. Congratulations everyone! We saw first English posts by few members too. Kudos! Ah jojo made a special subsection for 10WP and Translate, you guys! Thank you, big boss! Keep on posting for those subsections okay? The closing date is....infinity.

So Ramadhan Kareem never stop us from writing, painting, making musics and shooting. Pictures, I mean. But it's going to end soon and later we'll enter the blissful Syawal. May all of our deeds in Ramadhan be counted by Him, insya Allah. And may He give us another chance to meet next Ramadhan. And you guys who attended Iftar, so sorry could not join you that day. Later, will ya?

And of course! Happy Merdeka Day. No, that sound too colonial. Ehem. Selamat Hari Merdeka! So proud being Malaysian, I am. We hope there are positive progress in future yeah. Set aside political differences and let us strive together in making Malaysia a better home.

Syawal is just around the corner. Where will you be celebrating it? Me? Kelatexas of course! Got the jet plane ticket last minute huhu! I really hope that this Syawal will see no accidents. Please! Be good drivers! We want to celebrate Syawal with loved ones won't we? Pray hard for that.

Well that's all from me. Yes I write too much. Hehe. So, alright! I stop here. Till then, be good.



The 10WP CAMPAIGN maker and creator, Mr. Rebelliben has resigned his position as a moderator. We are sad for his departure from the EN Team but could not hold him back from his wishes as it’s one of EN Moderator principle that I conveyed where at this level (volunteer), personal priorties should be met first but with continuous minimal communications. As mentioned in his email, Mr Rebelliben have no choice but to give way to others the opportunity to be in the EN Team because of his commitments to his family and career. We thank Ben for his contributions to EN Section and wish him all the best. EN doors are always open to have you onboard when you are ready again, just ring the bell BEN!

With the depature of Ben, AzzKikr is appointed as the new EN Moderator. If you are not aware, AzzKikr have been a Kapasitorian since 2007. So he is not new to the scene. I am confident with his involvement in EN, we could bring the section to a new level. Please welcome him to the board!


10WP created a tsunami of post in poetry section in August due to it’s easy concept, everybody is taking part. This is a step towards writing longer poetry in my opinion. Just like jogging or running, do it regularly and always think of the next kilometre or mile ahead instead of the whole distance. You can writes 10 words, you write  10wp X 10 on the same theme or not, and tied it together and you get a 100 words poetry. It’s like exercise. Practice makes you better! By the way, I read all of  10wp, so keep ‘em coming ;)

TRANSLATE campaign is the new thingy. For me it’s good because I wrote many poetries in BM, so writing it or translating it to EN is a way to get

1)      People who doesn’t know BM (maybe foreign Kapasitor visitors or other EN oriented) to read

2)      People who doesn’t know the BM version (coz its posted long time ago in Kapasitor) to read

3)      A personal challenge to TRANSLATE it

4)      When I don’t have any idea to write new stuff, I can translate my old stuff

You could also make it a collabo thingy if you’re think you can’t translate it yourself like Paktam & MissClarks did.

KAPSULE #4 WATER THEME is still open. The new Kapsule will be design by Blakey. As of today there are 8 submissions to the theme. Works on making the 4th edition is in progress as Blake mentioned and any new submission will be consider to be include until new extended date 12/9/2010. It’s good if any of you who are talented in photography or any artworks to submit too.

Thanks to Jojo for making subsections for 10WP & TRANSLATE in the main page.



This activity is held on 21/08/2010. A special chat room was open by Jojo for this event, thanks again. Eighteen (18) members took part and joined in the room for some exchange of opinions and sharing ideas. For all of you who didn’t make it, you can read the whole conversations here. The activity generates some inputs and I will blog it after Hari Raya holidays.



August 2010 poetry tsunami created by the waves of 10wp campaign registered a total of 136 poetries and 107 of the numbers are 10wp. Congratulations for all who posted, commented and voted to make it a success campaign. We salute the newbies to EN whom many took the 1st step by taking part in 10wp and also to those who are new member to Kapasitor. They are:

faizsrbn,paktam85 ,QaQa, faizafandi, Akuro, Cahatomic ,hadry, kamalia ,larana,kekasih, rebelliben, jojo and i_hambali.

The Short Story section received 8 posts for August 2010.

The following are poetries and short story selections by moderators for the month of August 2010 :

(in no particular order)


1. Bolster by faizafandi

2. From Her Jaded Soul by larana

3. Goodbye by Najim87

4. Mae by paktam85

5. Counting Sheeps by mosh

6.Unspoken phrase by ShiDi

7.Reflection by blake_zane

8. Bloodlust by hadry

9. Papillon by faizafandy

10. What single muslim sisters would say by ibnuazlan


1. Soon by cahatomic

2. One Million by MissClarks

3. Night Flight by Choco

4. He by Njay

5. Hell by 26life

6. Seek and you shall find by nightingale

7. Burned by Azzkikr

8.Perfect But Yet Paralysed by Choco

9. To Own by kurusawa 

10. Other Significant by Syud

Short Story

Nak..Janganlah Hilang by rama-rama
Because She Felt Betrayed by Njay This Ain't No One-Word-Titled Short Story by MissClarks Nothing's Gonna Change My World by Alam_Shah


Thank you to all who contribute to the EN Section, whether you post something, vote or leave a comment, you made EN better and better each day!

With that, I would also on behalf of EN Section and all the mods wishing to all Kapasitor members and families “SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI, ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS, ENJOY THE FOODS, THE FRIENDSHIPS AND DO DRIVE SAFELY”.

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